Posted in networking, Other Writing Stuff, The Writer's Toolbox, writer, writers, writing

5 Twitter Tags For Writers

Twitter is becoming my favorite place to hang out. I’ve had an account for many years, but it’s been within the last few months that I’ve really started using it. I really enjoy the conversations and the uplifting environment, especially for writers. Here are five Twitter tags that I keep an eye on, and sometimes use myself to help support the writing community.

#amwriting It’s inspiring to see so many people writing and talking about writing in this tag. Sometimes people talk about writing successes, and sometimes writing failures. It’s nice to see both. Writing is such a solitary activity. Much of what we do is never known or discussed, but it’s nice to know that we share the same solitary activity with so many others out there.

#writingcommunity This tag is used for a number of reasons. If a writer needs to ask a question, or get feedback on work or an idea, or just share some exciting news with other like-minded individuals, this tag is perfect. I always love seeking out this tag to get a real feeling of writer connection. It really is the best writer networking tag I’ve found so far.

#writerslift This tag is all about writers helping writers. This is usually used to help writers grow followers, but it can be used to make an offer like reading books for reviews or a place to post links for published works, author websites, or blogs.

#writerslife I love seeing all the different types of lifestyles that writers have. This tag can be writers talking about what sort of writing routine they have, where they write, or just about writing stuff in general.

#pitmad This tag is mostly used three times a year during the Twitter Pitch Party, but it’s great fun to get in on. It’s so fantastic to see so many people either participate by putting up a pitch, or fellow writers who help retweet pitches to get more exposure for the pitchers. Then agents and publishers can like the pitches they want to approach for a potential book deal. The next one this year is December 5th. You can go to for more information.

Those are the top writer Twitter tags that I keep an eye out for. Do you have any writer Twitter tags you favor? Feel free to post them below!

Want to connect with me on Twitter? Come say hi at @Awesome_Dawn. See you there!

10 thoughts on “5 Twitter Tags For Writers

  1. I’ve found my twitter feed started exploding since I started using the #writingcommunity and #writerslift tags a week or so back. I can’t keep up with the follows, comments, retweets etc. It’s amazing how many writers out there want to help others.
    Great post!!!


      1. Hi Cynthia – last time I entered Twitter it felt like standing on the sidelines of too much humanity all arguing and my voice obviously didn’t count because I wasn’t touching the debate. There is a great deal of unbalance – I think if rational people don’t enter into the debate on a whole range of topics and try and pull it back to the middle so that the outcome is balanced and progress can be made then we are doomed. The trouble is – rational people are staying out of it and doing better things with their time like reading books not twitter. I’m finding it quite illuminating to ask myself – where do I stand on this and then jumping in. My twitter handle is 1000bitsofpaper – that would be great if we can meet up over there too.


      2. I honestly skip over and ignore most of the negative stuff. It doesn’t do any good to argue with people who already have their minds made up about something. It’s draining and not productive at all. Instead, I like to focus on positive and fun conversations or tweets, which there are a lot if you look for them. My goal is to smile and help other people smile, and since I’ve done that, my experience with Twitter (and beyond) has improved greatly.


      3. Thankyou Cynthia and I have had to eat my words about twitter – I’ve taken on board some of the advice etc I’ve been reading and it’s really great, I’m enjoying it this time round so much.


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