Posted in better life, empowerment, writing, writing retreat, yoga for writers

Yoga For Writers Videos

I’ve been a little quiet on my blog for awhile, because I’ve been busy with some personal projects. One of them has been actively working on completing a 200 hour training certificate to become a yoga instructor. This past week I completed all the tasks required for the certificate, including my final project, which was to teach a yoga class.

When the stay a home order came along for the recent outbreak, I thought for sure I would have to wait a long time to teach said class. However, I was fortunate enough to run across a virtual writing retreat who was looking for someone to teach a yoga class. I jumped all over that opportunity!

My next task was to plan the class. So I decided to create a yoga routine geared specifically to writers, who can spend long hours sitting. So the poses I planned for are for stretching the back, opening the hips, and strengthening the wrists, arms, and shoulders.

After the retreat, I realized that other writers might like to try this routine too. And so, I decided to post my very first yoga teaching experience on my blog for those who are into, or want to get into yoga. Or for those who just need something to do during this stay at home period.

Above you will find the first part, and below the second. I had to cut the video into two parts to get them to upload to YouTube. Video 1 is about 27 minutes and video 2 is about 17 for a total time of 50 minutes.

Enjoy! And feel free to leave comments to let me know what you think of the routine. I am open to critique, or suggestions.

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