Posted in blog, changes, new journey, self-improvement, writing

Starting A New Journey In Life And This Blog

Image from Pixabay

This blog has gone through many updates and changes since I first started it ten years ago. Mostly it started as a writing site, then shifted over to book reviews. Somewhere in between there, I did posts about journaling and posts reflecting on some of the self-improvements I’d gone through. But for the most part, I have tried to keep to a writing theme. That’s about to change.

I realized that in my trying to put this blog “into a box”, I was cutting myself from other possibilities. So I am opening this space up wide to incorporate all of me, not just one part. That’s because I am not just a writer, or book reviewer. I’m a lot of other things, things I’d like to share, but have been hesitant to do so.

If you are looking for just writing posts (not that I’ve done many of those recently…lol) or just book reviews, then this may be where you unfollow me and go elsewhere, I’m totally cool with that. But if you are into a little bit of an adventure, then stick around, because things might get a little interesting.

So how exactly is this “new me/ new blog” going to work?

Well, I decided to sit down and see if I could write a “mission statement” to kind of sum up how I want to move forward with this blog, and with my life. This is what I came up with…

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