Posted in better writing, experimental writing, Indie Author, learning about writing, poem

A Poem: Angel

Image from Pixabay

Last year I wrote a poem for a friend for her poem project (to give her a little break). She has been writing a poem every single day for almost four years now. There were some days where she just wanted to quit, but she kept going. She had a determination to write a poem for a specific amount for time, and she was going to do it, no matter what.

I have been watching her progress over the years, and have deeply admired her staying power. I also love her use of words. The exactness of them. And her unfolding imagery is really quite wonderful. I also love that she writes poems in a wide range of ways, not just sticking to one or two specific formats.

Anyways, I stumbled across the poem I wrote for her recently, and thought I would share. I wasn’t really into writing poems when I wrote this. In fact, for years I shied away from poem writing afraid to give it a shot. But when I saw what Hannah was doing, she inspired me to give it a try.

Since writing that poem for her last summer, I have dabbled in writing poems off and on. I have found that I like the challenge of finding exact words to convey a meaning, and this practice has made me a stronger writer all around.

So here it is below.


I see you are having a bad day.

I see that frown.

I see those hunched shoulders.

Don’t snap at me. I didn’t do it.

I know this sucks.

I know you’re hurting.

Don’t you know? It’s going to get better.

Maybe not today.

Maybe not tomorrow,

But it will.

How do I know? You ask.

Because I’m your angel, Dear One.

And I’ll be right here,

Each step of the way.

You are not alone.

If you have the chance, check out Hannah Six’s #1462PoemsProject. She posts links of her poem project on multiple social media formats (Twitter and Instagram) are the ones I follow), but you can also go directly to her blog and see all her poems.

I hope you enjoy!

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