Posted in a guided journal, digital journal, digital journaling, guided journal, journal, journaling, new release, writing

New Release: I Feel Playful When… A Guided Journal

Here is a journal that’s been in the works for awhile, at least on a subconscious level. One of the things I have struggled with continually has been to relax, lighten up, and not take life so seriously all the time. So I decide to make it one of my new year’s resolutions, and while at first it seemed like I was making no progress at all on this particular resolution, about April/May time frame I realized I actually had.

That’s the thing about some resolutions or desires for change. They can happen when you don’t even realize it. This was certainly one of them. The realization came as I noticed that I had been making progress with being more playful in small, but consistent ways like getting even more into role playing video games, reading more books (especially series, which I love to do), and just allowing myself to experiment with ideas, thoughts, and even my daily schedule. In doing more of what I loved, and being more open to change and new ideas, I discovered more playful energy in my day to day life.

So with that in mind, I created the seventh book in my Journaling To Feel Good Series called I Feel Playful When as a reminder to me of all the ways I have invited more playfulness in my life. Not only is this a great reminder for me, it’s somewhat of a blueprint for others to find their playfulness as well.

The journaling prompts inside this guided journal, which are… I feel playful when, I feel excitement doing, I love to experimenting with, I enjoy thinking about, I think it’s fun to, I feel the most joy when I, I feel adventurous about. Each help dive and dig out the things that bring out the playfulness in us (at least it did for me!).

Here is the official book blurb…

Continue reading “New Release: I Feel Playful When… A Guided Journal”
Posted in a guided journal, better life, guided journal, journal, journaling, new release

New Release: I Feel At Ease Knowing… A Guided Journal

Here is the sixth book in the Journaling to Feel Good Series. This journal topic felt like a natural progression to the series. Yes, it’s similar to the first book I Feel Peaceful Because…, but I think this sixth addition takes peacefulness a step further.

When we invite ease into our life, that brings us to a whole new level of peace, because we feel more relaxed and everything has the potential to feel effortless, instead of difficult or a struggle. I think that’s how life is supposed to be. It’s supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be exciting and full of all the things we are passionate about.

Life gets hard when we think it has to be hard, but what if we flipped that script and believed in a life full of ease? Because doesn’t it feel good when we can feel true ease about something? And imagine having that feeling about everything, our whole life?

This journal can help make ease a more regular practice.

Here is the official book blurb…

Our emotions hold the key to a happy life. The better we feel, the better our life becomes around us. In life, we have learned many ways of not feeling well, but through consistently reaching for better feelings, we can rise above to something greater.

This guided journal is dedicated to finding the feeling of ease and other closely related emotions, which is a wonderful first step to cultivating a lasting life that is relaxed and deeply satisfied.

Journaling Prompts include the following… I feel at ease knowing, I feel relaxed when I, I feel satisfied because, I feel at peace doing, I feel relief having, I feel enjoyment because, I feel comfort thinking about.

Journal size is 6″ x 9″ with a glossy cover and cream colored pages inside.

Now available in Paperback and as a printable.

If you decide to give this journal try, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Etsy. Thank you in advance!

Posted in a guided journal, book series, guided journal, journaling, writing

New Release: I Feel Joyful Doing… A Guided Journal

Here is the fourth journal in the Journaling To Feel Good Series called I Feel Joyful Doing... I really, really love this journal because joy has always been an emotion I admired. For a long time, I admired it from afar. But recently, this emotion has taken a big front seat in my life.

I have found that when I focus on doing things that bring me joy, I invite even more joyfulness to enter my life. It’s part of my new focus in life in general. I do whatever brings me joy (or think about what brings me joy), and life just keeps getting better and better.

Here is the official book description…

Our emotions hold the key to a happy life. The better we feel, the better our life becomes around us. In life, we have learned many ways of not feeling well, but through consistently reaching for better feelings, we can rise above to something greater. This guided journal is dedicated to finding the feeling of joyfulness and other closely related emotions, which is a wonderful first step to cultivating a lasting life of joy, love, and harmony.

This book is now available in paperback on Amazon and as a printable on Etsy.

Also, I created a Guided Journals page on this blog to be one easy place that holds all the information about my current or upcoming journals, where you can find them, and in what formats they are available in.

Hope you enjoy this book as I much as I do!

Oh, and I recently was feeling creative and put a little book promotional video together for this journal series. What do you think?

Posted in a guided journal, better life, journaling, self-empowerment, writing

New Release: I Feel Peaceful Because… A Guided Journal

I am excited to present another project I have been working on the last few months. Here is I Feel Peaceful Because…, a guided journal created specifically to help those who are interested in reaching for good feelings on a regular basis.

I have been on an intense spiritual journey for a deeper discovery of self the past several years, and one of the themes that has continuously popped up for me is the need to feel good. I believe that when we focus on thoughts, emotions, and situations that feel good, we invite more good feeling thoughts, emotions, and situations.

If we do this consistently, we can significantly change our lives for the better over a relatively short period of time. How long that takes really depends on how often negative thoughts and emotions are exchanged for positive (good feeling) thoughts and emotions.

This journal is a really great step to start doing that. It rotates through fourteen different positive emotions for about a three month period. It begins with a short prompt like I feel peaceful because…, and then it’s up to the user of the journal to fill in the rest.

In this journey of discovering what good feelings already exist and why, many more will be revealed, allowing for a deeper, richer, and more positive life all around.

But don’t take my word for it, if you are looking for something to help give you a positive boost, then try this journal and see how it can work for you.

If you do decide to try it out, please consider leaving a review on Amazon to let me and others know how it worked for you. This is the first book in a series of books I am looking to create, so helpful feedback is welcomed. Thank you in advance!

Posted in better life, empowerment, finding balance, inspirational

10 Ways to Have More Joy in Your Life

Photo from Pixabay

Happiness is a feeling of comfort and contentment. It’s a feeling of rightness and peace. It’s a beautiful thing. But joy… joy is a feeling of excitement and thrill. It’s a combined feeling of freedom, confidence, and absolute pleasure. There is no emotion (that I have yet to experience) bigger than joy. It’s happiness with a kick, and it’s freaking awesome.

I have been working hard to get to a place where happiness, peace, and joy are constant companions of mine. I’m still working on the constant part, but I would have to say these emotions are more with me than not. So for my benefit, and others, I am setting down here some of the key steps I have found to having more joy in my life.

1. Being More Grateful

The number one best way to bring any sort of positivity, happiness, peace, and joy into life is to be more grateful. That is how I started this journey towards more joy years ago, and my gratitude has only grown since. As it did, so did the best parts of my life. I have learned first hand that the more grateful I am, the more I will have to be grateful about. It really is that simple.

2. Being Aware of Your Mood

We cannot change our mood without first being aware of what our mood is in any given situation. So I have taken care to observe how I feel. I don’t judge myself for feeling upset or anger. I just notice what sets me off. What are my triggers, and how can I find ways to move past them or release them? I also pay attention to what makes me feel good. There’s a lot of power in just observing and being aware. A situation can’t change unless we are first aware of it.

3. Being Aware of What You Give Your Attention To

After becoming more aware of my mood, I then began to notice more specifics about what I was giving my attention to. I started to see distinct situations, people, and even thoughts that were dragging me down. It took time to identify everything, but the more attention I paid to my mood, the more aware I became of where my attention was going, and I started to cut back or completely cut out anything and everything that could be a potential joy stealer.

Continue reading “10 Ways to Have More Joy in Your Life”