Posted in blog, networking, writing

Blogger Elissa Renee: Loves To Help Others

I ran across Elissa Renee on Twitter last week, and I was impressed with how much she likes to reach out and help others. This sort of thing always makes me stop and take another look, because that mentality really resonates with me.

One of the really cool things that got my attention about Elissa is that she likes to take blog posts, or even whole blogs of others, and create pins and post them up on her Pinterest account. I did not even know you could do that (does that mean I’m woefully behind the times? lol). Anyways I thought it was a really neat idea. I might even do this myself. I might have to dust off my Pinterest account first.

Anyways, Elissa is pretty active on Twitter, so you can have a fun chat with her here. Or you check out her blog. Or jump over to her Pinterest account and check out some really neat pins she has up there of her own and from others’ blogs.

I’m always on the search for fun, interesting, and helpful people, and I was pleased to run across Elissa. I’m going to keep looking and see who else I can find.

Do you know of any bloggers out there (yourself included) you can recommend to me? I am actively creating a network of like-minded individuals that have a message and want to get it out there. Please feel free to post links in the comments below.

Posted in blog, guest post

Looking for Guest Post in September!

Do you have a new book you would like promote? Are you an author looking to talk about yourself and some of your amazing work? Or maybe you have an incredible service or message that you are trying to get out there to help people live better lives? If you fall in any of these categories, or know someone who does, then this offer is for you.

In the month of September, I am looking to expand my blog, readership, and services, and I feel the best way to do that is to also help others promote themselves as well. We live in an amazing age of instant information, but sometimes it’s about making sure the right people see what is offered. There’s so much available, and so much I think people could benefit from if they simply knew what’s out there. Help me raise awareness about the things that matter to you. Maybe what matters to you, will matter to someone else too?

If you wish to do a blog post, please contact me with you post idea. You write the post, and then I’ll post it here! Let’s help people find the information they are looking for.