Posted in inspiration, inspirational

Speak Your Truth: Chasing the Magic Bullet

Sometimes we can’t help but hold on tight to a certain dream or idea. We cling desperately because we want change. We want more. We want out of a certain situation, but we just don’t know how to make that happen, but we dream. We make plans. A part of us believes it will never happen, but we still hope that there’s a magic bullet out there that will transform our lives into something better and grander than what we have.

Deep down we really cling to the hope that some magic bullet will appear and cut through all the crap, all the ridiculousness our lives have become and instantly make things better for us. That magic will make all the bad parts disappear or become irrelevant because our day has come, we have zipped past the problems and been catapulted into a dream come true.

We make excuses, because we have gotten so hung up on that particular idea (whatever the idea might be, it differs for everyone) to come save us so we don’t have to save ourselves. There’s not much forward motion. We are too busy waiting for that magic bullet. But one day we get tired of waiting, so we start doing something to help that dream along.

Maybe one day we wake up and it finally hits us that the magic bullet really isn’t coming, and we start to feel the pressure of doing it ourselves. The pressure builds and life just doesn’t seem fair. Others’ seem to get their magic bullet, so where is ours? Continue reading “Speak Your Truth: Chasing the Magic Bullet”