Posted in Indie Author, publisher, publishing, small press, writing

An Interview with Small Press Wisteria Publishing

I was lurking around Twitter one day in December, when I ran across a tweet that caught my eye. I think it was the avatar more than anything. A brilliant yellow background that grabbed my attention. I decided to take a closer look, and found a really cool freshly started small press.

What really drew me to this small press was the how it was presented. A press run by a writer for writers. The owner, Claire, also seemed very personable and open when I contacted her through email.

I love supporting small businesses. It’s even better when I get to support self-published and indie authors. That also includes small presses. So here’s a little interview I did to help myself and all my readers get to know this press and the owner just a little better.

Thank you, Claire, for taking the time to do this interview! First, I have some questions about Wisteria Publishing.

What is Wisteria Publishing, and what caused you to start this company?

Wisteria Publishing is a small, independent publisher created by a writer for writers. I wanted to start this company for two reasons. The first being that I had experienced being published twice and both experiences weren’t… ideal. Contracts were hard to understand. The second is that I went on to self-publish and loved the process. Also, I love books! Wisteria is a place where authors earn 50% of profits and read contracts that are easy to understand.

How many and who is currently part of Wisteria staff, and how do you want to see Wisteria grow in the future?

Besides myself, I also have a part time editor and part time creative assistant. Ideally in the future, I’d love to make these roles full-time, hire some more staff and even have a little office somewhere. I want it to put out wonderful books.

What is your biggest dream for Wisteria?

My biggest dream for Wisteria is that it is a Good company. That we are known for being appreciative and fair, and that we are always supportive and supported.

What sort of authors are you looking to work with?

Any and every sort! We want romance, horrors, thrillers, non-fiction, picture books, fantasy. Anything goes as long as it’s well written. Although, nothing to fifty shades!

Is there anything interesting you would like to share about Wisteria, or any upcoming projects?

We have a cool writing competition going right now where 5 finalists win a week at a writing retreat and the winner gets a book contract. We have several books releasing this year, and do keep an eye out on the events page for book signings, and launch parties.

So let’s talk a little about you as a writer. What first drew you to becoming a writer?

I’ve always loved writing. I wrote a novel that was a cross between Harry Potter and The northern Lights when I was twelve. I posted it to a publishing house and never heard back! But I wrote because I had stuff in my head that needed to come out!

What is your favorite part about being a writer?

Using my imagination. Creating a new world and getting lost in it for a while.

Is there one book, author, or event that has influenced you the most as a writer?

Enid Blyton. My favourite author as a child

So let’s do some fun questions. If you could go anywhere in the world (and money not an issue), where would you go and why?

If I was going forever then Cornwall because it’s beautiful and we want to live there. If for a couple of weeks then probably somewhere like Disneyland or Rome.

Where is your favorite place to relax and chill for a while?

I quite like a spa day haha but also, I just love to chill out on the sofa reading.

What’s your favorite color and why?

Green or peach. Just makes me happy.

If you had an evening with family, what would you rather do… play board games, watch a movie, or have a cook out?

Movie and board games. And my husband can cook…

What is currently your favorite TV show?

My husband and I have reached How I Met Your Mother three times and we cant stop! Or a great thriller.

And the biggest question of all? Are you a dog person? A cat person? A fish lover? Or a no pet person?

Dog. Although I like cats and fish!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. Would you please provide a blog, website, or any social links you have so readers can keep up to date with you and Wisteria?

Wisteria’s website can he found here.

Wisteria’s Twitter handle is @WisteriaPublish

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