Posted in Apex, Apex Publications, book review, books, fiction

Book Review: Machine by Jennifer Pelland

Machine by Jennifer Pelland is available on Kindle and on Paperback.

13418849Want to take a walk on the wild side? Then Jennifer Pelland’s novel Machine is for you, because that is exactly what Pelland’s main character Cecil does in this delightfully depicted science fiction world.

In this novel technology has advanced to the point of creating artificial replicant bodies for those who are unfortunate enough to find themselves with serious injuries, or illness that can’t be cured right away. Cecil just got her new body after being diagnosed with a low priority incurable disease. She decides to copy her consciousness to a “new” body and wait for the cure. But Cecil’s life takes a sudden and horrific blow when she wakes up in her machine body to find out wife Rivka has divorced her during the copying process.

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Posted in Reblog

Should Authors Write Bad Book Reviews?

This is a fabulous post that I stumbled upon today. It’s something I’ve struggled with myself. As I am not a heavy book reviewer, I wondered if writing a bad book review would be acceptable. There have been a few books I’ve read that caused me to consider a least giving the author a heads up on some issues within a book. This certainly put the subject in perspective for me and I couldn’t help but share.

Kristen Lamb's Blog

Okay, yesterday we had a little bit of a debate about leaving book reviews. First of all, the post is to warn you of the dangers of posting bad reviews as an author. Does it mean you can’t? No. Can you tweet while drinking and listening to LinkinPark? Yes, but you do so at your own risk. Same here. I am not the social media gestapo, but I am here to warn you of the hazards that are REAL.

We Never Know Who People Know

I once commented offhandedly to an acquaintance about a book I was reading. I wasn’t nasty, I just mentioned that I found it confusing and the dream sequences were messing me up. I also added that it could be me. I WAS seven-months pregnant, so I added the caveat that it could just be Baby Brain.

Little did I know the acquaintance was BEST…

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