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Poem and Artwork: When I Sit In Silence

artwork by me in watercolor

When I sit in silence, I hear all the disappointments of what I should have done.

When I sit alone, I am filled with all the failures I have become.

Sometimes I don’t want to be still, because of all the ways I feel like a fool, a failure, a less than I think I should be.

When I sit in silence, I hear all the beautiful sounds of life.

When I sit alone, I am filled with all the blessings and love that is in my existence.

Sometimes I don’t want to be still, because I have so many exciting things that I want to do. My heart, my flow too plugged in and ready to just be in one place at one time.

When I sit in silence, I hear all the noise of my surroundings and what is right now.

When I sit alone, I am so aware of myself and the things I am thinking and dreaming.

Sometimes I just want to stay here where I am, because it feels exactly the right place to be, the right thing to do.

When I sit in silence, I hear all the voices and wisdom that is available to all.

When I sit alone, I am anything but alone. I am tapped into the vastness of everything.

Sometimes I don’t want to ever move again, because I am so plugged into all that is. I feel like I am dancing in the stars and adventuring across the vastness of space and time, and realizing I have finally found home.