Posted in Apex Publications, book review, books, fiction

Book Review: Sing Me Your Scars by Damien Angelica Walters

Sing Me Your Scars by Damien Angelica Walters is available on Kindle and as paperback. 


I can easily describe this book with one simple word… stunning. But even that one word does not completely do justice to this haunting and beautiful prose that plunges headlong into the deepest hurt of the physical and emotional. It is truly a book that will stay with you long after you’ve read the last page of the last story.

This is a collection of twenty stories written by the immensely talent Damien Angelica Walters. Twelve stories are works she’s already published and eight are brand new to this collection. And each of them tell stories that walk the world of horror and fantasy.

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Posted in book review, books, fiction, hooked on books

Book Review: Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips is available in Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback.

41g+rRWhjcL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Ever wondered how the gods of Olympus would act if they were thrown into modern society? Look no further, because Gods Behaving Badly answers this question in grand form. Be ready to laugh and appalled by the ungodly things these godly beings do.

Artemis is fed up with her twin brother Apollo’s holier-than-thou and over the top attitude, and his new job as a TV psychic doesn’t help matters any. Not to mention Aphrodite’s shameless sexual escapades and part time job as a telephone sex operator are especially hard to bear for the goddess of chastity.

As also the goddess of hunting, Artemis longs for the good old days when her and her godly relatives were respected and revered, and she was allowed to keep her beloved hunting dogs. But now space is at a premium as many of the gods now live crammed together in a much-too-small London town house. Artemis’s dreaming of better times only makes things more bitter as a battle of wills breaks out between Aphrodite and Apollo.

As battle wages, the new house cleaner Alice becomes swept up into the fray. Just an average human with an average friend named Neil who harbors a more than average crush for Alice. And these two ordinary people find themselves donning the cloaks of heroism in order to save the day.

While the description and writing style isn’t the greatest, this story more than makes up for it in clever wit and hilarious situations that would make Aphrodite blush––well maybe not. But the unfolding of the story is certainly enough to awake a feeling of greatness and awe as the story finally reaches its perfect conclusion.

I truly enjoyed tagging along on Alice’s and Neil’s epic journey and awaking, and I am positive you will too.



Posted in book review, books, ebook, fiction, novel

Book Review: The Deaths of Tao by Wesley Chu

The Deaths of Tao by Wesley Chu is available on Kindle and in Paperback.

deaths-of-taoThis is a freaking awesome book! A must read for science fiction and action-packed loving readers. The author had me from page one as we see Roen and Jill three years after The Lives of Tao and things are completely different. In fact, I’m quite shocked at how different things are and I just wanted to read to figure out how things got so messed up in the three years since we saw Roen, Tao, and Jill.

The incredible character arcs are heart-tugging as a clearer picture unfolds of the missing three years as the story progresses. The Prophus may have won the battle, but the Gengix are determined to win the war and Earth to boot. Things get dark and deep fast as the Gengix’s plan unfolds. Roen and Tao make huge sacrifices in an attempt to stop the catastrophic plan.

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Posted in book review, books, fiction

Book Review: The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu


The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu is available on Kindle and in Paperback

lives-of-taoI never even heard of this book or author before picking up the Lives of Tao, so I had no idea what to expect. But this book was on the list to read for my book club, so I purchased it and started to read. And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by what I found.

The first chapter was a little confusing until I figured out what was going on (that there was actually a sentient being inside the character’s head that was talking to him and the guy wasn’t just plain bonkers), but by chapter two Wesley Chu had me anxiously awaiting to see what happened next.

Enter Roen Tan an over-weight, out-of-shape slob with no real prospects beyond his life of video games, frozen pizzas, and the occasional party night with his roommate. Just a boring, unexceptional life… that is until Roen starts hearing a voice talking inside his head and it’s definitely not his own. And things just get weirder from there (but in a really good way). And so a story of humor and razor edge danger unfolds as Roen learns to adjust to this new unexpected change in his life.

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Posted in book review, books, fiction, novel

Book Review: A Dirty Job By Christopher Moore


A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore is available in paperback and Kindle.

51q2efSNbSL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Yep, death has a new name and it goes by Death Merchant. Charlie unwittingly becomes one of the secret collectors after the devastating death of his wife. Only Charlie has no idea what a Death Merchant is or why he keeps seeing things glow red, why the shadows seem to be stalking him, or why it seems everyone he meets dies.

Left alone to raise his new-born daughter and manage his small business, things only get worse as an average “beta male” Charlie Asher gets deeper and deeper into the bizarreness of his new job of collecting souls. He must contend with vengeful sewer harpies that mock him at every turn and his own ignorance in a race to save the fate of the world and death itself.

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