Posted in inspiration, inspirational, publication, published

A Writer’s Wings Book Release!

A Writer’s Wings is finally published! This book took awhile for me to put together and edit. Even though I mostly copied entires over from a journal I kept for years, the formatting and editing process took a long time to complete as I had a lot of upheaval in my life while attempting to finish this project. So I am glad and proud that this particular journey is over and I can release it into the world.

While I understand that this kind of book may not appeal to some people, I found it important to put down my story to show as an example of how incredibly important journaling can be to move a person forward in their personal growth. People ask me all the time about journaling and how to do it. Well, this book is the best example I can give.

If you’ve been wanting to journal and didn’t know how to start, then read this book. If you are journaling and want a reminder of why to keep journaling, then read this book. If you are simply curious about me and my life, then read this book.

Here’s the book blurb…

Continue reading “A Writer’s Wings Book Release!”

Posted in A Writer's Life, beginning writer, love of writing, novel, novel writing, short stories, short story, slush reading, the art of writing, The Writer's Toolbox, the writing process, write, writing, writing advice, writing progress

Should I Write a Novel or a Short Story?

What a great question, and one may writers struggle to answer in their writing journey. The best part about this question is there is no wrong answer. And yet, a writer often feels like the whole world hinges on that one important question… Should I write a novel or a short story?

The simple answer is… it depends.

It depends on the subject matter, how long you really think it will tell the best story, and how much staying power you have. Let’s face it, writing a novel is not easy. Many people have tried and failed. And many people have succeeded and wished they’d just wrote a freaking short story.

Continue reading “Should I Write a Novel or a Short Story?”

Posted in A Writer's Life, creative writing, finishing stories, first draft, good writing, how to write, learning about writing, learning to write, The Writer's Toolbox, the writing journey, the writing process, thinking on writing, writing, writing advice, writing and thinking, writing better

To Be a Good Writer Means to Be a Good Thinker

Writing is 99% thinking, and the rest is typing. — Ray Bradbury

When I first started writing, I did it the hard way. I just wrote the first thing that came to mind. I got an idea, character, setting, or ect. in my head and I wrote it down immediately.

It was fun. I produced a story, or maybe a part of a story, or maybe really just words on a page. But damn if I didn’t feel proud of my accomplishment. A proud Momma with her precious baby.

And then I got some experience under my belt and that happy bubble popped when I realized I was doing it all wrong.

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